Atlanta Shipping Container Bar Concept

Atlanta Container Bar Concept


A shipping container bar and restaurant concept for a new multi-family project in Atlanta’s West Midtown district has been envisioned for the burgeoning Star Metals community.

The two-level modular shipping container project will be located on the southern terrace of a multi-family building that is currently under construction.

The container bar concept will unify a proposed 3,000 sf restaurant on the ground floor. Expanding upon the Star Metals F&B program, a modular cocktail bar, adjacent raw bar and an intimate outdoor dining area will be located above the proposed restaurant.

On the third level, additional interior dining space and an outdoor terrace, bound by intensive landscaping will afford breathtaking vistas of the surrounding district.

The multi-level bar and restaurant is served by a sculptural spiral staircase that is located beyond the footprint of the proposed building and acts as a luminous lodestar for guests searching out what will become one of Atlanta’s most innovative food and beverage concepts.


  • Location: 660 11th Street NW, Atlanta GA

  • Program: Bar / Restaurant concept

  • Size: 4,200 sf

  • Budget: TBD

  • Status: Concept Design

  • Design Team
    Design Architect: R&B 

  • Client: Allen Morris Company

  • Enquiry: