Castleberry Hill

Atlanta Architecture Residential Adaptive Reuse


This is an adaptive reuse development of an existing single story, 7,000 sf warehouse building located in Atlanta’s equivalent to Miami's Wynwood arts district. Castleberry Hill is famed for its eclectic mixture of artist lofts and galleries, dispersed amongst a wonderful collection of turn of the century industrial buildings.

The existing property is situated on the corner of an industrial block, bound by two access streets that serve the primary arterial roads. The building can be accessed by two large roll up door entrances, one on each street. The separation of these entrances naturally defined an architectural parti where two lofts could exist independently side by side, within the same skin.

Privacy was a key requirement of the design brief. New openings, whether for access, view or light was not permissible on any of the street frontages. In the concept plan, the existing access doors are preserved to minimize the modifications required to the facades. Behind each roll up door, a portion of the existing roof is removed to bring natural light into the proposed open parking court and garden terrace. The bedrooms are arranged along the garden terrace perimeter. Separated by a glass wall and with access to the terrace, the bedrooms are bathed in natural light which aid to increase the perceived expanse of these spaces.

Similarly, additional portions of the existing roof are removed adjacent to the living area and master suite to ensure these spaces did not feel encapsulated and oppressive. Direct views to the exterior terraces and courtyards ensure the lofts are viable living environments that can be enjoyed over the long term.

Upon entering the residence, the living spaces are arranged in a linear sequence where the eye is drawn to the light filled court at the opposite end of the living space. A long storage wall divides the private and semi public zones of the lofts and consist of a kitchen, storage closets and bookshelves. Concealed within this wall are the access doors that connect the front living areas to the private spaces of the home.

Through the careful examination of the existing structure, coupled with sensitive planning, a thoroughly expressive modern sanctuary is attained behind the facades of a timeless, traditional brick building.


  • Location: 431 Fair St SW Atlanta, Georgia

  • Program: Duplex Loft

  • Size: 7,000 sf

  • Budget: 850,000 +

  • Completion: Unbuilt

  • Client: Confidential

  • Enquiry: